Tuesday, January 16, 2018

[E-Book] Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies FREE!

[E-Book] Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies FREE!

Do you know a bit of English, and want to improve without a teacher? Whether you're a student, a traveller, or you just want to learn basic English, this plain-speaking guide will help you pick up the essentials so you'll be understanding and speaking English in no time. Improve your grammar, speech, vocabulary and pronunciation at your own pace, and prepare yourself to get around in any English-speaking country comfortably - and without embarrassment!

Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies includes:

Part I: Getting Started
Chapter 1: You Already Know a Little English
Chapter 2: Basic English Grammar
Chapter 3: Greetings and Introductions  
Part II: English in Action
Chapter 4: Shopping and Numbers
Chapter 5: Eating Out
Chapter 6: Out on the Town
Chapter 7: Hobbies and Free Time
Chapter 8: Talking on the Phone
Chapter 9: At the Office and Around the House
Chapter 10: Written English - Newspapers and Signs
Part III: English on the Go
Chapter 11: Money
Chapter 12: Checking into a Hotel
Chapter 13: Asking Directions and Getting Around
Chapter 14: Handling Emergencies   
Part IV: The Part of Tens
Chapter 15: Ten Ways to Speak English Quickly
Chapter 16: Ten Favourite English Expressions
Chapter 17: Ten Holidays to Remember
Chapter 18: Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Fluent in English
Part V: Appendices
Appendix A: Phrasal verbs explained
Appendix B: Common Verbs  [Agree, Can / be able, Come, Do, Go, Have, Make , Need, Put, Think] English Irregular Verbs
Appendix C: On the CD

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Now you can get it FREE! 
1. Download here
2. Wait for 5 seconds, then click Skip Ad.
3. You'll automatically refer to Google Drive. 
4. Click Download icon. 

Make sure you use Chrome browser. 
Thanks for visiting my blog. Don't forget to share it. 
See ya. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10 Unique Things about Indonesian People

10 Unique Things about Indonesian People

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)

Indonesia is the fourth world’s largest populous. Because of that, if you visit Indonesia, you will find and meet unique people and their culture or habit. 
These are unique things you will find only in Indonesia and almost all Indonesians do especially those who are in middle-low class. 

1. Habit/Culture

- They always say ‘punten (sundanese) / permisi (Indonesian)’ (excuse me) and bent their body whenever they passed people who were sitting.
- Indonesian people usually kissing the hand to the elder. We are Indonesians usually, do it before going to school or everywhere and meet with teacher or parents in a place. 
- Indonesian people are narcism, whenever they do something they are always updating a Facebook status. This happened to a junior high school students where they are really “alay” for example when they are eating, bathing etc they will update a status soon.
- Most of Indonesian, they have many social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, path and it’s like a duty and by having them they feel like a famous. In my point of view, having Facebook and WhatsApp is enough -_-
- They like to share their meal. E.g. I took my meal from home to school and then I share it with my classmates. And it’s so funny.
- Indonesian people love taking photos with foreigners
- Indonesians school students always greet “bule” (foreigners) with “Mister, mister”
- If you want to be like celebrities who receive picture requests then please come to Indonesia, you don’t need to be a celeb just come here and meet us, lol. If you have blonde hair and white skin you must prepare to pose as a celeb.

- Indonesian people are kind when they meet a tourist they always say, “how do you do, how are you mister (Mr.)”
- Indonesians are the world’s biggest users of social networking websites such as Facebook, they like to put photos themselves in such websites in interesting places, or with showing themselves.
- Indonesian people usually asked for the lowest price for a sold product, if they haven’t the lowest price they will leave the seller. After the seller gave up then he will give the lowest price to the buyer. And then the buyer will come back and buy it. (it’s a trick, ssttt) but don’t ask too low price.
- In Indonesia there are 3 sex men woman and waria (wanita pria(woman and man)) if you meet them don’t be scared just calm down they don’t bit. Lol
Hasil gambar untuk waria
- They don’t take off your plastic seat covers from your new car, phone, laptop and anything which is new stuff whole year and if possible not even after that
- Indonesians are very friendly, whenever they meet a friend, they usually greet him.
- Indonesians held a reunion with “ngaliwet” (eat food called ‘liwet’ it is a food served in a banana leaf) after that taking photos on Facebook. 
- Indonesian people take off their shoes at mosques and house.

2. Appearance 

If India has Saree as their traditional appearance then Indonesia has Kebaya as our traditional appearance. We usually wearing kebaya in a formal event like graduation, marriage etc. 
Traditional Kebaya

Modern Kebaya

And also, in Indonesia, if you visit the school or meet with Indonesian women, you will find them using hijab, yap because most of us are Muslim. 

They are my classmates :) 

3. Skin

- Indonesian people want always looking beauty, and most of them argued that having white skin, straight hair, and the sharp nose is already perfect for Indonesian woman. That’s why skin whitening products are huge sell here.
This is one of the product

- In Indonesia, you will find many kinds of skin. Like this bellow

4. Language

Indonesia has 700+ language so if you visit Jakarta, Bali, Cianjur, you will find something different in their accents and language. Not like in the USA, we all talk in English. But in Indonesia, we have 17000 islands, 34 provinces, with assorted language and cultures.

5. Food

- Rice is the main food staple in Indonesia. That’s why most Indonesians will say that they haven’t had their meal before they had rice even after they had eaten bakso or sate. 
Photo by NUGA.co

- Indonesian people usually eat their meal by naked right hand

Thanks for reading this post and visiting my blog. 
Anyway, does your culture follow the same things as mine?
If you think that I leave one, then tell me by leaving your comment, I will update it ASAP. 

Don’t forget to click like button if you like it and share if you think that this article is useful or comment if you wanna ask something about this post.
See you in my next post.

Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing).

Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to Be a Good Muslimah

How to Be a Good Muslimah

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)

Dear brothers and sisters, welcome back to my ordinary blog.
Today I would like to talk about Muslimah, what’s Muslimah? Muslimah is a woman who believes in Islam (a Muslim woman). But today, I will not talk much about what Muslimah is.
Here I will talk about how to be a good Muslimah according to some Islamic books I’ve read and what I had learned in Islamic High School.

1. Niyyah from the heart

Before we do something, make sure we know what we do. Same like to decide to be a good Muslimah.

2. Wear the hijab

If you are truly devoted to turning over a new leaf and becoming the best Muslim girl that you can be, wear the hijab. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it covers and protects your whole self, including your manner
isms, speech, your gaze, your heart and even your health.
(Read too: The Benefits of Wearing Hijab)
It changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for Allah Azza wajjal to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hijab, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. In fact, women are not allowed to pray without the hijab since the hadith of the prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasalam reads "the prayer of a woman will not be accepted without the headcover". Hijab is mandatory, as explained in the Quran 33:59-60 women should cover to be recognized as part of the Muslim group, while in 24:30-31 women are told to pull down their head covers and make them long enough to cover their breasts with a "khimar" which means "something which covers the head". The word is from the same root word for alcohol, since it is a substance when consumed covers and clouds the head and the mind.
By wearing the hijab, people will know our identity as a muslimah. Here I will give you an example, could you guess which one of this picture is a Muslimah and a non-Muslimah?

3. Dress modestly

This means that you have to cover your whole body. You have to wear loose clothes. Hijab is not supposed to be fashionable. Rather, it is a command from Allah (SWT). Avoid clothes that are too tight such as skinny jeans. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands, which are highly recommended, although some scholars held the view that it is obligatory. If you truly believe according to the evidence it is obligatory, then go ahead and make an effort to cover your face with the niqaab and your hands with gloves as no harm can come from it. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not.

4. Pray five times a day sincerely

Before you get on the prayer rug, learn what the prayer words mean to enhance your contemplation within prayer. If you do not speak Arabic, try to find some translated versions of the prayer words and take some time to read and understand what the words mean. Start making prayer a normal part of your day, the way eating is a need of ours, our spiritual food is prayers.
Pray sincerely. Affirm that Allah is the closest to you with His knowledge. Always pray on time, never delay. Never do things that will prevent you from doing tasks that are of much greater importance. Nothing can be more important than obeying that which Allah asks of you. Even while working or studying, halt everything you are doing and go to the nearest mosque to pray. If somebody were to ask you where you are heading, say that you are answering Allah's call to prayer.

5. Never waste your time on useless things. Time is a blessing, make sure the way you use it always comes as fruitful. Use your time with something which is recommended in Islam, such as:

- Pray in the middle of the night

Pray when most people around you are sleeping soundly. The name of the prayer is Tahajjud. The night is the most efficacious time to pray.

- Read the Quran

Read the Quran and also try to read the translation of the Quran and truly try to understand its meaning. You can read the translation in English or your language as well. Reading the Quran will help you establish a useful relationship with Allah and will also allow you to understand how beautiful the religion is. Listening to it (you can find videos online) also makes you feel closer to Allah.

- Recite His name every time (Also known as Zikr in Islamic terminology) Reciting Allah's name will ultimately make you a strong Muslim because you are constantly reminded of what good He has done for you and all of the humanity.

- Fast

Fast for the right reasons. Do NOT fast because you want to impress others or because you want to feel superior in terms of the popularity you will gain when you get fitter. Fast with the intentions to please only Allah, and to get the reward for doing so. Additionally, fast because you will be able to perform your prayers correctly and effectively and want to be responsible for your health. Nevertheless, fast in order to relate to those who do not have privileges like food and water. Fast twice a week, preferably on Mondays and Thursdays. Fast during the month of Ramadan and also on the day of Arafah, which is on the 9th of Zulhijjah. Allah will forgive all the sins you have done for one year before and after should you fast on the day of Arafah.

- Always help the poor and orphans by any means possible. Feed them; give them some money, and purchase new clothes for them.

6. Be grateful for everything you have, be it spiritual, mental, or physical. The more gracious you are, the more you will realize how much you have been blessed.

By doing this, Allah willing, you will be stronger because you will believe that Allah is omnipresent.

7. Respect the opinion of others.

No opinions can be "bad" or "stupid". You should treat them as gems, or learn to derive gems from them. Without opinions, things will never get better. If you do not like an idea, do not invalidate it right away; instead, add on to the idea to improve it.

8. Never lie

Allah hates his adherents to lie to others. Your integrity will directly have an impact towards your dignity. People will look high upon you if you are honest and true to whatever you say. Unless the lie will actually cover up somebody else's shame or will avoid distress for everybody, lying is not permissible. For instance, if your friend has stolen money from his parents, you should not tell others that your friend has stolen money before.

9. Be good to your family,

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best of you is he who is the best to his family." Accordingly, be kind to them, always support them.

10. Keeping good company

Hang out with good friends. You should want to make friends who share your mission of being a good Muslim and influence you to do better. If you are lucky enough, you might spot a Muslim girl your age. Be sure to make friends with a Muslim girl if you find one. You can tell her how you are trying to be a better Muslim, and she might be able to help! Never forget that mixed gender friendships are fraught with danger and therefore strictly forbidden in Islam outside marriage.
Avoid negative influences, including old non-believing friends (as hard as it may be, the reward of breaking links with them is well worth it) who may have had a bad influence or who bring out the negative characteristics in you. Even though the Shaytaan (the devil) can tempt us, it is our responsibility as Muslims to fight these temptations and urges by increasing our faith and spirituality.

11. Be gracious towards your parents.

They work very hard to sustain the lives in their households, which includes a lot more than putting food on the table. Your mother suffered great pains to bring you into this world. What have you done to say thanks to them? They have brought joy to your life by buying you presents every now and then. Have you acknowledged that and appreciated them? Do whatever they expect of you and you will surely be fine in the eyes of Allah.

12. Learn more about Islam

Know what you have to do (which is called 'wajib' things) and what you can't do (haraam things). The Internet is a valuable source to search for Islamic rules and regulations and the punishments that apply if they are broken. Make sure to go on correct websites for authentic sources of information. Islamic punishments may sometimes seem severe, but Muslims consider the Shariah to be a gift from Allah (SWT) that protects society and guides the believers to follow His way.

13. Repent if you have committed a sin

Allah shall forgive you, In Sha Allah. Try to not repeat the same sin again. After all, He is the one you shall meet in the afterlife, so obey his law and He shall give you paradise.

14. Take it day by day

If you make it a priority in your mind that you want to strive to be the best Muslim girl possible, you will achieve this goal without even realizing it! Every time you are about to do something, think: "Is this something good or religious?" If it isn't, don't do it! Simply remind yourself and be ready to stop yourself, just in case. Every single moment of every day must be devoted to pleasing Allah (SWT).

15. Pick your sources very wisely.

Don't read off the Internet a lot, and make sure that what you're reading is a fact, not an opinion. Islam is between you and God; that relationship is sacred. You must not let anyone interfere with that. It is very likely that people will disagree with you, so don't let them affect your own point of view.
In order to be a good Muslimah, you are obliged to believe in what the Quran and Hadith say, as in the Quran it says "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger." It is wrong to neglect belief in Hadith, but one should always check to make sure they are sound, or take them from a trusted source like Sahih Bukhari or Muslim (two books of Hadith) [Find out if a Hadith Is Authentic or Not].

May this post can useful for all of us especially for me, Aamiin. Don’t forget to click like button if you like it and share if you think that this article is useful or comment if you wanna ask something about this post.
Thanks for reading this article and visiting my blog. See you in my next post.

Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu
(And peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing).

Sunday, September 4, 2016

How to Speak Fluent in Indonesian Like Native Speakers in 5 Ways

How to Speak Fluent in Indonesian Like Native Speakers in 5 Ways

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)

Indonesia is a country with a million beautiful places, that’s why there are many foreigners who visited Indonesia, as foreigners (tourists) who will visit Indonesia, you surely will face or meet Indonesian cultures, people etc. so, I think there is no wrong if you learn Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), if you can speak Indonesia, then they will be happy to hear that because they will think that you love Indonesia and have interest in it.

So here, I write this article to present you some tips or tricks how to speak Indonesia well. Check them out.

1. Speak in Indonesia

To be fluent in Indonesia, you should do practice, same like learn English, I always do practice, because without practice our language skill will not be a success. Don’t be ashamed if you visit Indonesia and meet Indonesians and then talk with them, just let it be, speak out. They will be happy to hear your Indonesian and if you are wrong in pronunciation they will understand because you are still learning.
If you want to learn Bahasa Indonesia to me then I will be pleased to teach you. Just add me on Facebook. Or if you want to learn Sundanese then I also will be happy to teach you too.

2. Watching Indonesian Movie without Subtitle

Do you like Indonesian movie? Are you still watching it using subtitle? If you are in Indonesia, try to watch Indonesian movie, if you think that it’s difficult then try to spy their body language of its film actor.
Because in daily life when you meet Indonesian people you will not see the subtitle when they are talking.
Try this practice till you get the point (what they are saying).

3. Listen to Indonesian Songs

Don’t need to go to Lab Bahasa Indonesia or Bahasa Indonesia Course. Just listen to Indonesian songs while reading its lyrics. Listen to the song that you think that it’s good to hear.
Same like learning English, I usually listening English songs while reading its lyrics.
Listen and enjoy while read its lyrics and try to follow the singer singing, this thing will training your Listening, Reading, Pronunciation and even Speaking skills.

4. Write all things in Indonesian

Are you still ashamed to write something in Indonesian? If you still feeling shy, then untill the end of your life, you will not be a success in learning Indonesia. Try from small things till big things.
For example, introduce yourself in Indonesian, then write SMS in Indonesian, write an email in Indonesian, even when you will update your status in social media.
Anyway, if you want to improve your Indonesian writing skill then I suggest you to chatting on Facebook with Indonesian native speakers. Or if you want to chat with me then I will be pleased. :)

5. Do it routinely

Language is a habit, so if you want to fluent in Indonesia, do it routinely, make Indonesian as your habit. Sing with it, speak with it.

Make these words as a point

To learn something, whatever it is, do practice routinely.
Because we can ‘cause we try. And we are success from failure not from success.

Thanks for reading this post and visiting my blog. May this post can useful for all of us especially for me, Aamiin. Don’t forget to click like button if you like it and share if you think that this article is useful or comment if you want to ask something about this post.
See you in my next post.

Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu
(And peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing).

Monday, August 29, 2016

50 Facts about Me

50 Facts about Me

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu.
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)

There are many my Facebook friends send me a message sounds, “Can you tell me about yourself?”, “Please say something about you.” But I can’t reply all of them one by one. That’s why I made this ‘50 Facts about Me’. I don’t know if they’re interesting or not. But here I’ve listed 50 things that I know about myself. Here you go. 

1. I was born in 1998, so right now I’m 18 years old
2. I live in a little city called Cianjur
3. I hate a liar and a playboy
4. My favorite colors are black, white, pink, yellow, green and gray but i like black and gray most.
5. I want to continue my study in Arab Saudi
6. I have a dream book. In that book I wrote all things what I want to have and what I want to be.
7. I am a Cats lover. Because they are so cute and also our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is so much loving them
8. I don’t like someone disturb my sisters (Lusi, Asyifa and Umme)
9. I will be an Angel if someone treats me well
10. My favorite singers are Maher Zain and Harris J. Why do I like both of them? Read this.
11. When I was young, I want to be a doctor.
12. When I was in High School I thought that doctor is only child’s imagination so I want to be a Programmer like Mark Zuckerberg because He’s so cool he can make a Facebook. ;) But again I canceled it. I want to be a doctor again. I am so sad to see my family sick especially my parents. It feels like I want to treat them by myself.
13. I want to go to Medina with my family and see around Ka’bah
14. I want to go around to Indonesia and whole world
15. When I was in high school I want to study in University of Indonesia and choose Computer Science as its major, I fight for it, I learn physics so hard although I am so weak in that subject just for see that I-am-accepted-in-CS/UI but I don’t know what happen to me and my mind one day I change that aim. Recently I think and I say to myself that whatever University do I will get later, the most important is I am majoring in Education. Islamic Education otherwise English Education/Literature and Education of Doctor.
16. I am only my Parents daughter. I don’t have sisters nor brothers.
17. I like to watch Indian movie. If you want to know I can mention more than 10 movies :D
18. I love reading books
19. I can spend much time in using PC and Mobile
20. I always do what I love to do and I don’t stop it before I am feeling bored
21. I like chatting while lying on bed
22. I hate someone who’s like smoking and honestly I don’t like to be near with him.
23. My favorite foods are Seblak, Mie Ayam (Chicken Noodle), Nasi Goreng, Chocolate and Ice Cream.
24. I like ice cream as much as I do
25. Sometimes I don’t stop eat and eat so much foods and snacks but I never get giant. Yes, ofcourse, because …. :p are you curious?
26. My weight is 46 kg and height 161 cm (July 29, 2016). Ya I know I am so tiny. (51KG, 163CM (APRIL 26, 2017))
27. I don’t like to wait but if there’s someone who talk with me then it’s okay. I am a super patient girl :D
28. I am a good listener but sometime I don’t listen when I am too focus on one thing.
29. I like to organize my pc and mobile by myself
30. I’m curious about almost everything that I know or I want to know
31. I’m a social media enthusiast
32. I always read someone’s Facebook timeline if I’m curious about him or her
33. I find it extremely difficult to speak my mind
34. But I talk too fast when I’m super excited
35. I don’t like people who display their fake name or make fake id on social media
36. I never celebrate my birthday (what do you think? Should I sad or laugh)
37. I love to do selfie
38. And I like gaming too
39. I will never give up before I win the game.
40. If I won, I usually delete that game app because I am bored
41. I like singing alone
42. I want to marry in 25
43. I want to do my honeymoon in Bali and Lombok Island with only my beloved husband :D but If he doesn’t allow then it’s okay I will follow what he says. In our own home it’s okay. I think. (a Dream)
44. I want to having two or up to 4 children in the future. Hmmm, but Indonesian people said two children is better hehaha. But in Islam many children is more better. Okay I will consider it ;)
45. I want to visit to Nepal and take a photo, ummm I think many photos in Mt. Everest. Aamiin ?
46. I was always missing my school. There are so much moments which I can’t forget till the end of my life. I miss my bestie, teachers and many things :’(
47. I want to have many friends from foreign countries and I did but I never meet them. I hope one day I can meet them. My facebook friends.
48. I want to live in Jannah with my family, friends and meet with Rasulullah. Aamiin.
49. I love being me
50. And proud to be a Muslimah.

That’s all from me. Thanks for reading this post and visiting my blog. May after reading this ‘50 Facts about Me’, you all can know me, what type of girl I am. 
Sorry if there are many typo and wrong grammar I hope you all understand why and I will be thankful to all of you who correct my grammar by droping your comment and correct me. Don’t forget to click like button if you like it and share if you think that this article is useful or comment if you wanna ask something about this post.
See you on my next post :)

Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu.
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Dear Human, Who Created You?

Dear Human, Who Created You?

Dear Human,

I am talking to you as a human. It does not matter whether you are Christian, Jew, Buddhist, or Hindu. It does not matter whether you are a worshipper of idols, atheist, religious, secularist, a man or woman.

I talk and address you as a human.
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself one day for the reason..
Why you believe in what you believe in?
Have you ever thought about the reason for which you choose the religion you practice?


If you are Christian,

Have you ever thought...
Why you believe that Jesus Christ is the only way for eternal salvation?
Does salvation require the crucifixion of the Godly Prophet?
Does God need to sacrifice himself to redeem others?
Do you believe that God is not 1 and they are 3?
Such as:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

How come one entity is three entities at the same time?
According to WHAT or point of view?
What is the Proof to that?
Is all of it the word of God?
Did it remain the same over time without any change like addition or omission?
Which Apostle of Jesus should his book & life be followed and WHY?


What is the fate of the one who opposes and why?
What is the position of Christian who follows another Church for you?

Have you ever asked…
What are the only principals though which you can decide and beliefs right & worthy of following?
What are the measures? How to agree regarding them?

You who believe in Judaism

Have you ever stopped and thought………..




You who believe in Hinduism

Are you sure that the RIGHT and ACCEPTABLE shape of the cycle of life is REINCARNATION?
Is this ACCEPTABLE for all the people?
What is the fate of those who not believe in it?
Is the emotional feeling is the right way to measure faith?
Is your holy book void of any addition or omission?

You who believe in Buddhist

Do you really have THE PROOF that BUDDHA is the son of the GOD and the SAVIOR of Humanity from all the miseries and pains?
That he carries all their sins and
He will be back to relieve the world of all the evils and sins?

You who claim that you do not believe in God (Atheist)

Who created you?
Who made you from nothing?
Why are you created?
So, you are born and then you Die and BECOME FORGOTTEN?!
Do you like to live in this such state?

Every human has to believe in some power to return to regarding the method of his life and to look up in case of fear and upon death.

My brothers and sisters..
In humanity, you are so sure of your faith. You know that it is the true religion and anything else is false. All the other religions are wrong so you are ready to bet with your immortal spirit on this assumption. Yet, did you stop to think carefully about the fact that there are more twenty four official religions and hundreds of beliefs practiced on this planet.
Do you know that Christianity include more 450000 sects?
All of them claim to understand the ultimate truth better than the rest. Do you realized that every member in a practiced belief is a pious and honest person just like you?

Do you know that his faith is as firm as your faith?
Do you know that they also read the sacred texts with certainty too?
Do you know that they have confirmed justifications?
They have known miracles based on their measures and opinions and they feel the existence of God and His faint voice.
They follow his perfect advice with obedience for their life. They love him in an indescribable way. They can also defend their belief in the same enthusiasm with which them about both the big and small issues.


What are the measures which the rational people agree upon and which they can use to measure the nature of the true religion?

Some of these measures are:
Believe in GOD, the human has to believe in a deity. He can call Him God or he can call Him anything else. He can be a tree, planet, woman, image or a singer he is a passionate about.
So, the human has to believe in something that he would follow and cherish, he would refer to him in his life. He might even die for him and this is what we call worship. 

As for the true God, He is a Creator, He knows the hidden and concealed matters. He is All-Knowing of the unseen. He has the power and will and He makes all things happen according to what He wills. He is Wise, H e does not do anything except for certain wisdom. He is just and because of His justice. He rewards and punishes, he has a link with human. He will not be their Lord if He creates them then abandons them. This is why He sends Messengers to them to clarify the right path for them and to notify humans of His method. 

The one who follows this method will be worthy of getting the reward and the one who leaves it will be worthy of punishment. There has to be a place for the reward which is Paradise and a place for punishment which is the Hellfire.
If HE IS NOT CAPABLE of admitting them in either of these places, then HE IS NOT A GOD!

The Religion:
We need an accurate definition of religion because if it is a method for life and the path to the afterlife. It has to have attributes to consider it as the true religion.
1. It has to be close to the basic nature of humans which represents all the good qualities and traits in human.
2. Consistency: it has to be a consistent religion for all generations, countries and all kinds of humans. It has to be a religion that does not increase or decrease according to desires.
3. The beliefs of this religion have to be clear and evident. There should be no visible and invisible matters and this religion should not need a mediator. The religion should not be taken based on mere spiritualities; it has to have an evident and reliable proof. 
4. The religion has to tackle all issues of life at every time. It has to be suitable for life and also the afterlife. It has to build the body and it should not forget the spirit as well. 
5. This religion has to protect the life of the people and their honors, there has to be no unlawful mixing of line ages and it has to protect their wealth.

ISLAM is in conformity with the creations and nature of humans, there is no contradiction between Islam and the nature of humans and this is why it is the religion of the natural disposition.
Almighty God has created the human and defined the method for him to follow. 
This method commensurate with the nature and needs of human. This method id the religion. Whoever does not follow this religion will be in a state of chaos, instability and spiritual and psychological discomfort, in addition to the torture in the afterlife.


It is not satisfied with establishing the commands and teachings by abstract obligation and strict dictation. Islam does not say like other beliefs:
(Believe blindly) or (Believe then know) or (Close your eyes then follow me)

Islam does not only address the heart and spirit and depend on them as a foundation for belief, it also explains the matters with evident and convincing reasoning, clear proof and true justification that persuade the mind and reach the hearts.


It did not change despite the passion of hundreds of years and despite the dissimilarities among countries and civilizations. It is still the same as it was revealed.  
It is still leading the Muslims in their worldly life and their path to the afterlife. 
The Qur’an establishes proofs about the matter of Divinity from the universe, the spirit, the history of the existence of God, His oneness and completeness. 
It also establishes proofs in terms of resurrection, it proves the potential of creating humans, creating the heavens and the earth and reviving the land after her death. It shows God’s wisdom through justice in rewarding the good doer and punishes the bad doer.

It is flexible because it is close to the human nature which God has created humans according to her rulings. There is no Muslim that does not know the signs of the truth. The universe leads him to the Oneness of Almighty.
What the Messenger MUHAMMAD (Peace be Upon Him) brought proves his truthfulness and prophethood. 

The Muslim knows quite well that whoever said that God is the third of three is misleading and astray. Also, who said that God felt tired and rested on Saturday after the creation of the heavens and the earth is a misled disbeliever. The Muslim also sees clearly the disbeliever of the idol worshipper and their delusion.

The delude atheists are even worse. 


The human does not know the truth about his spirit and being. He does not know the future that he will face and this is why the human being was not able to put permanent legislations and laws to fit every time and place.
But the Almighty Creator is All-Knowing.
He is fully-aware of the creations of humans
He is the All-Knowing that happened in the PAST, what happen in the PRESENT and what would happen in the FUTURE.
This is why:
No one can bring a permanent flexible SHARIA (LEGISLATIONS) that would fate every time and every place unless this human is Messenger from His Lord. 

This is enough for us that our Islamic Sharia has ruled different cultures, in different countries and at different times for hundreds of years. There has been no problem without a solution in this honorable Sharia.
Now, at our modern time, the time of quick developments and outstanding innovations this meaning is confirmed clearly. Our Sharia proclaimed herself even more in routine, despite the weakness of the people because Islam conforms to the requirements and needs. Islam can develop without any decay its complete strength of life and flexibility. Islam is the religion that gave the world the most established and affirmed legislations. The Sharia of Islam surpasses any other legislation on the face of the earth 

Make these words a starting point

You will arrive through your nature, heart and mind to God, the Perceiver, the Initiator, the One and the Creator of everything!
Because you are looking for the religion that would lead and introduce you to Him.

Adapted from YouTube*