50 Facts about Me
Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu.
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)
There are many my Facebook friends send me a message sounds, “Can you tell me about yourself?”, “Please say something about you.” But I can’t reply all of them one by one. That’s why I made this ‘50 Facts about Me’. I don’t know if they’re interesting or not. But here I’ve listed 50 things that I know about myself. Here you go.
1. I was born in 1998, so right now I’m 18 years old
2. I live in a little city called Cianjur
3. I hate a liar and a playboy
4. My favorite colors are black, white, pink, yellow, green and gray but i like black and gray most.
5. I want to continue my study in Arab Saudi
6. I have a dream book. In that book I wrote all things what I want to have and what I want to be.
7. I am a Cats lover. Because they are so cute and also our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is so much loving them
8. I don’t like someone disturb my sisters (Lusi, Asyifa and Umme)
9. I will be an Angel if someone treats me well
10. My favorite singers are Maher Zain and Harris J. Why do I like both of them? Read this.
11. When I was young, I want to be a doctor.
12. When I was in High School I thought that doctor is only child’s imagination so I want to be a Programmer like Mark Zuckerberg because He’s so cool he can make a Facebook. ;) But again I canceled it. I want to be a doctor again. I am so sad to see my family sick especially my parents. It feels like I want to treat them by myself.
13. I want to go to Medina with my family and see around Ka’bah
14. I want to go around to Indonesia and whole world
15. When I was in high school I want to study in University of Indonesia and choose Computer Science as its major, I fight for it, I learn physics so hard although I am so weak in that subject just for see that I-am-accepted-in-CS/UI but I don’t know what happen to me and my mind one day I change that aim. Recently I think and I say to myself that whatever University do I will get later, the most important is I am majoring in Education. Islamic Education otherwise English Education/Literature and Education of Doctor.
16. I am only my Parents daughter. I don’t have sisters nor brothers.
17. I like to watch Indian movie. If you want to know I can mention more than 10 movies :D
18. I love reading books
19. I can spend much time in using PC and Mobile
20. I always do what I love to do and I don’t stop it before I am feeling bored
21. I like chatting while lying on bed
22. I hate someone who’s like smoking and honestly I don’t like to be near with him.
23. My favorite foods are Seblak, Mie Ayam (Chicken Noodle), Nasi Goreng, Chocolate and Ice Cream.
24. I like ice cream as much as I do
25. Sometimes I don’t stop eat and eat so much foods and snacks but I never get giant. Yes, ofcourse, because …. :p are you curious?
26. My weight is 46 kg and height 161 cm (July 29, 2016). Ya I know I am so tiny. (51KG, 163CM (APRIL 26, 2017))
27. I don’t like to wait but if there’s someone who talk with me then it’s okay. I am a super patient girl :D
28. I am a good listener but sometime I don’t listen when I am too focus on one thing.
29. I like to organize my pc and mobile by myself
30. I’m curious about almost everything that I know or I want to know
31. I’m a social media enthusiast
32. I always read someone’s Facebook timeline if I’m curious about him or her
33. I find it extremely difficult to speak my mind
34. But I talk too fast when I’m super excited
35. I don’t like people who display their fake name or make fake id on social media
36. I never celebrate my birthday (what do you think? Should I sad or laugh)
37. I love to do selfie
38. And I like gaming too
39. I will never give up before I win the game.
40. If I won, I usually delete that game app because I am bored
41. I like singing alone
42. I want to marry in 25
43. I want to do my honeymoon in Bali and Lombok Island with only my beloved husband :D but If he doesn’t allow then it’s okay I will follow what he says. In our own home it’s okay. I think. (a Dream)
44. I want to having two or up to 4 children in the future. Hmmm, but Indonesian people said two children is better hehaha. But in Islam many children is more better. Okay I will consider it ;)
45. I want to visit to Nepal and take a photo, ummm I think many photos in Mt. Everest. Aamiin ?
46. I was always missing my school. There are so much moments which I can’t forget till the end of my life. I miss my bestie, teachers and many things :’(
47. I want to have many friends from foreign countries and I did but I never meet them. I hope one day I can meet them. My facebook friends.
48. I want to live in Jannah with my family, friends and meet with Rasulullah. Aamiin.
49. I love being me
50. And proud to be a Muslimah.
That’s all from me. Thanks for reading this post and visiting my blog. May after reading this ‘50 Facts about Me’, you all can know me, what type of girl I am.
Sorry if there are many typo and wrong grammar I hope you all understand why and I will be thankful to all of you who correct my grammar by droping your comment and correct me. Don’t forget to click like button if you like it and share if you think that this article is useful or comment if you wanna ask something about this post.
See you on my next post :)Wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu.
(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing)